Keep your focus on student success with seamlessly integrated tools that transform curriculum management, academic catalog design, and syllabus creation.
Kuali Student Curriculum - graphics of rockets and stars


Our interconnected suite of products work together to help you reimagine your curriculum management processes. Reduce errors. Achieve data transparency. Integrate with other systems. Sync catalog changes. Digitize ALL your forms and workflows.

Built on the Kuali Platform, our Academic Operations Suite pairs seamlessly with Kuali Build for limitless forms and workflow automation. Digitize curriculum proposals, faculty requests, and more—ensuring seamless data flow, integration, and efficiency across academic processes.

What makes our solutions different?

We get it. You need tools that are flexible, efficient, easy to maintain and use. You need quick access to your data. You need a curriculum repository that is centrally managed, synced to your academic catalog, and integrated with other systems.
ComplicatedSimple, easy-to-use interface
RigidConfigurable, flexible forms & workflow
OpaqueEasy access to ALL of your data
Hard to MaintainContinous delivery; no upgrades
Difficult to integrateGraphQL APIs included
ConstrainedUnlimited expansion with Kuali Build
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Our drag and drop form builder is powerful but easy to use.
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Our document list views help you manage your work.
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Our workflow designer supports even complex processes with ease.
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Capture even complex rules up front.
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Add-on to customize YOUR system

Need to capture additional data? No problem! Kuali is extensible. We make it easy to add functionality that extends our products and makes them more powerful for your specific needs. Some examples:
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Change of Major
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Course Withdrawal
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Transfer Credit
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Graduation Request
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Transcript Request
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Add/Drop Form 
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Major / Minor Declaration
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Independent Study Request
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Withdrawal Form
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Transfer Course Approval
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Study Abroad Checklist
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Advisor Change Form
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Off Campus Second Major
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Alumni Degree Verification

It’s About Community

Don't take our word for it. Here's what our customers are saying.
We now have a database with all of our curriculum records, which is something that our institution has never had before. That’s a wonderful asset.
Laurie Barnas, Associate Registrar
University of Victoria
[Kuali] felt familiar even though it was not a system we had worked with before.
Ashley Rogers Assistant Registrar, Curriculum Management
Murray State University
I don't think the curriculum office could have kept up this year if we didn't have Kuali.
Mike O'Connor, System Analytics Director, University Registrar's Office
Southern New Hampshire University
The beauty of Kuali is that we’re always looking at the right proposal. There’s no chance that somebody is looking at an outdated source.
James Wigginton, Curriculum and Calendar Manager
University of Victoria
With this system, we have reached a broadening institutional understanding of how to steward curricular health. We're doing a much better job of it thanks to Kuali.
Amy Christiansen, Manager of Faculty Support and Academic Resources
Olds College of Agriculture & Technology
One of the key pieces in our decision was that Kuali offers the modern solution we were searching for.
Ron Estrada, Senior Core IT Services Specialist
University of New Mexico
Dependency analysis makes it so much easier to help students go through their program and it has implications for financial aid
Petersen Gross
Leeward Community College
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Learn More

Dive into the resources below to help you discover more about how our solutions can help you.
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