Solutions for the VP of Research

Increase efficiency, stay compliant, and support data-driven decisions with our powerful, flexible, user-friendly research administration and compliance suite.

Choose the individual products that meet your needs, or maximize your reach with our deeply-integrated suite.
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The Kuali Research Suite

Our interconnected suite of products is designed to support the full research lifecycle. Whether you're an R1 concerned about scale and volume, a school with an emerging research program thinking about staffing levels and process improvement, or somewhere in between, our flexible solution is right for YOU.

What makes Kuali Research different?

We get it. You need tools that are flexible, efficient, easy to maintain and use. You need quick access to your data. You need to ensure compliance and adapt quickly to changing regulations.
ComplicatedSimple, easy-to-use interface
RigidConfigurable, flexible forms & workflow
OpaqueEasy access to ALL of your data
Hard to MaintainContinuous delivery; no upgrades
Difficult to integrateGraphQL APIs included
ConstrainedUnlimited expansion with Kuali Build
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Our insights dashboards provide the information you need for efficient decision-making.
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Create powerful views to manage your work.
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Our Form Designer helps you capture the data you need to respond to changing regulations and priorities.
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Our drag and drop form builder is powerful but easy to use.
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Make form sections visible, hidden, or editable at a given workflow stop.
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Our Budget Creator has the familiarity of a spreadsheet with the power of a configurable engine.
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Add-on to customize YOUR system

Need to capture additional data? No problem! Kuali is extensible. It's easy to add functionality that extends our products and makes them more powerful for your specific needs. Some examples:
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Facility use application
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Researcher Gift Routing
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NO Cost Extension Request
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Advance Account Request
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PI Eligibility form
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Equipment Use Form
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Notice of intent to submit proposal
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project closeout form
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It’s About Community

Don't take our word for it. Here's what our customers are saying.
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The Kuali implementation manager and engineer we worked with were great... The implementation was a lot easier than what I anticipated.
Scott Sandlin, Electronic Research Administration Specialist
The University of Alabama, Huntsville
This was an 18-month project and am pleased to say that this is probably the smoothest implementation I could have ever imagined.
Steve Dowdy, Director of Research Information Systems & Integration
University of Maryland, College Park
The closeness of the relationship with Kuali exceeds that of our typical software vendors. This partnership sets the tone for how we work with partners and vendors.
Kevin Chou, Deputy CIO
UC San Diego
The support from KualiCo was great. It really did make the transition as smooth as possible.
Lori Burchard, Director, Sponsored Programs
Kent State University
We’re getting better work out of our team rather than just busy work.
Dan Perry, Director of Research Administration Systems
Utah State University
“We always get quick responses from the support team. They always do their best to show us how to do things or how to resolve our issues.  Great folks!”
Customer Feedback
University of Maryland, College Park
The Kuali implementation manager and engineer we worked with were great... The implementation was a lot easier than what I anticipated.
Scott Sandlin, eRA Data Systems Engineer
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
The Kuali Research interface is so much more intuitive than our previous system, and the time to train end users has been cut in half.
Janet Simons, Director, Research Policy and Training
University of Maryland, Baltimore
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Cornel logo BYU logo Boston U logo Indiana logo University of Maryland logo Sacramento logo U of Washington logo University of Toronto logo ASU logo CSU logo Boise State U logo Ohio University logo Georgia Southern University logo The University of Arizona logo UCI logo The Ohio State University logo University of Connecticut logo UC Davis logo University of Waterloo logo York University logo Southern New Hampshire University logo BYU Idaho logo Colorado State University logo Pennstate logo Clemson logo Towson logo UMMC logo UMass logo PSU logo Kent logo Monterrey logo Texas State logo Stevens logo U of Hawaii logo Utah State logo Maryland logo ECU logo CSU Global logo

Unlimited Possibilities

Extend our solutions to meet your unique needs. Increase researcher and staff satisfaction by automating all your research-related forms and approvals with our no-code forms and workflow automation tool.
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Form Builder & Workflow Designer

Flexible, easy-to-use form builder and powerful workflow designer to support your unique processes and needs.
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Data Access for Key Stakeholders

Document dashboard and clear status information provides transparency and visibility of data to key stakeholders.
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Modern Integration Capability

Deep integration across products to support flexible data sharing. Comprehensive API integration capability ensures you can connect with other systems on campus.
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Learn More

Dive into the resources below to help you discover more about how our solutions can help you.