
University of Connecticut Case Study

UConn transformed its administrative processes using Kuali Build, a no-code online forms and workflow automation tool. By empowering citizen developers, the university streamlined operations, reduced IT bottlenecks, and accelerated digital transformation, improving efficiency across campus.
Kuali build is truly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

About The University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is among the top-ranked public universities in the nation. UConn supports more than 32,000 students and employs over 10,000 faculty and staff across six campus locations.

University of Connecticut

Problem: Paper Processes, IT Bottlenecks Hinder Students and Staff

UConn, like most other large universities, has thousands of critical, disparate processes that fall outside the scope of higher ed software solutions, such as the LMS, SIS, or ERP.

Before 2020, UConn’s staff typically processed these thousands of higher education forms and workflows in one of two ways: via paper-based methods or a low-code application development tool managed by central IT. 

However, neither method provided a perfect solution. Paper-based processing was ineffective due to manual entry, human error, lengthy approval timelines, and limited process transparency. The low-code application development tool was more functional but required significant IT resources, creating a bottleneck for new automated processes. 

These processing complications directly affected faculty, staff, and students. Central IT’s transformation team recognized an opportunity for improvement and set out to deliver a better student experience.

Solution: Forms and Workflow Automation Software

During the pandemic, UConn found Kuali Build, an automated forms and workflow platform. HR and IT witnessed firsthand how Build enabled the institution to return to operating capacity with its uniquely easy-to-use yet powerful functionality. 

Central IT adopted Build as its go-to forms and workflow solution, implemented a self-service training model for citizen developers, and never looked back.

Result: Citizen Development Drives Digital Transformation 

Kuali Build empowered UConn’s entire university community, through citizen development, to completely transform administrative processes and deliver an improved experience for students, faculty, and staff. By removing the IT bottleneck with a safe, secure, IT-approved solution, faculty and staff can build their own form and workflow applications, automate their business processes, and manage their work, all without leaning on Central IT. 

The numbers speak for themselves. UConn software developers built 204 applications in nine years using a low-code solution. Using Build, UConn citizen developers built a whopping 1,400 applications in three years. Staff have used these applications to process 124,000 documents, meaning UConn students, faculty, and staff have received a faster, smoother, better experience 124,000 times. 

UConn Software Developers

Reduced Costs and Infrastructure

With Kuali Build on board, UConn was able to reduce costs and the use of disparate systems across campus. UConn’s low-code application development solution required on-premise infrastructure, middleware support, and multiple developers versed in the solution to create applications. Kuali Build eliminated the need for this solution, and staff have rebuilt 58 low-code applications in Build. Kuali Build has also reduced the costs spent on disparate systems, like Quickbooks, in many departments across campus. 

Modern Higher Education Forms and Workflows

Kuali Build has the unique ability to automate processes across a broad spectrum of complexity. The platform’s form builder and workflow builder allow faculty and staff to create custom forms and workflows that perfectly fit the needs of their department. And, with the ability to integrate with other campus systems, like the financial system or student information system, staff can add steps within their workflows to automatically move and update information in real-time. 

For example, UConn has over 40 different departmental purchase request applications. Most of these applications integrate with the financial system, including student activities. Now, students can submit purchase and reimbursement requests easily, get quick approvals, and see the impact on their budget. 

Learn more about UConn’s Student Activities Transformation

Easy-to-Use Platform

Kuali Build is easy and delightful to use, crucial characteristics in Build becoming a reliable Central IT-approved solution. Kuali Build utilizes a drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to customize their forms and workflows clearly and easily. The platform allows users to preview their forms and workflows, and edit any time, making it easy to fine-tune processes and deliver a higher-quality experience for end users.

In the first six months of 2024, UConn saw a 25% increase in new Build applications, a 31% increase in submitted documents, and a 16% increase in application builders. Jessica Henderson, a team lead in UConn’s IT department, attributes Build's growth to its ease of use.

“Adoption continues to grow by word of mouth. We don't even need to promote it.”  - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

Henderson and her team look forward to seeing more delighted users and continued digital transformation from UConn’s partnership with Kuali.


University of Connecticut Case Study

UConn transformed its administrative processes using Kuali Build, a no-code online forms and workflow automation tool. By empowering citizen developers, the university streamlined operations, reduced IT bottlenecks, and accelerated digital transformation, improving efficiency across campus.
Kuali build is truly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

About The University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is among the top-ranked public universities in the nation. UConn supports more than 32,000 students and employs over 10,000 faculty and staff across six campus locations.

University of Connecticut

Problem: Paper Processes, IT Bottlenecks Hinder Students and Staff

UConn, like most other large universities, has thousands of critical, disparate processes that fall outside the scope of higher ed software solutions, such as the LMS, SIS, or ERP.

Before 2020, UConn’s staff typically processed these thousands of higher education forms and workflows in one of two ways: via paper-based methods or a low-code application development tool managed by central IT. 

However, neither method provided a perfect solution. Paper-based processing was ineffective due to manual entry, human error, lengthy approval timelines, and limited process transparency. The low-code application development tool was more functional but required significant IT resources, creating a bottleneck for new automated processes. 

These processing complications directly affected faculty, staff, and students. Central IT’s transformation team recognized an opportunity for improvement and set out to deliver a better student experience.

Solution: Forms and Workflow Automation Software

During the pandemic, UConn found Kuali Build, an automated forms and workflow platform. HR and IT witnessed firsthand how Build enabled the institution to return to operating capacity with its uniquely easy-to-use yet powerful functionality. 

Central IT adopted Build as its go-to forms and workflow solution, implemented a self-service training model for citizen developers, and never looked back.

Result: Citizen Development Drives Digital Transformation 

Kuali Build empowered UConn’s entire university community, through citizen development, to completely transform administrative processes and deliver an improved experience for students, faculty, and staff. By removing the IT bottleneck with a safe, secure, IT-approved solution, faculty and staff can build their own form and workflow applications, automate their business processes, and manage their work, all without leaning on Central IT. 

The numbers speak for themselves. UConn software developers built 204 applications in nine years using a low-code solution. Using Build, UConn citizen developers built a whopping 1,400 applications in three years. Staff have used these applications to process 124,000 documents, meaning UConn students, faculty, and staff have received a faster, smoother, better experience 124,000 times. 

UConn Software Developers

Reduced Costs and Infrastructure

With Kuali Build on board, UConn was able to reduce costs and the use of disparate systems across campus. UConn’s low-code application development solution required on-premise infrastructure, middleware support, and multiple developers versed in the solution to create applications. Kuali Build eliminated the need for this solution, and staff have rebuilt 58 low-code applications in Build. Kuali Build has also reduced the costs spent on disparate systems, like Quickbooks, in many departments across campus. 

Modern Higher Education Forms and Workflows

Kuali Build has the unique ability to automate processes across a broad spectrum of complexity. The platform’s form builder and workflow builder allow faculty and staff to create custom forms and workflows that perfectly fit the needs of their department. And, with the ability to integrate with other campus systems, like the financial system or student information system, staff can add steps within their workflows to automatically move and update information in real-time. 

For example, UConn has over 40 different departmental purchase request applications. Most of these applications integrate with the financial system, including student activities. Now, students can submit purchase and reimbursement requests easily, get quick approvals, and see the impact on their budget. 

Learn more about UConn’s Student Activities Transformation

Easy-to-Use Platform

Kuali Build is easy and delightful to use, crucial characteristics in Build becoming a reliable Central IT-approved solution. Kuali Build utilizes a drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to customize their forms and workflows clearly and easily. The platform allows users to preview their forms and workflows, and edit any time, making it easy to fine-tune processes and deliver a higher-quality experience for end users.

In the first six months of 2024, UConn saw a 25% increase in new Build applications, a 31% increase in submitted documents, and a 16% increase in application builders. Jessica Henderson, a team lead in UConn’s IT department, attributes Build's growth to its ease of use.

“Adoption continues to grow by word of mouth. We don't even need to promote it.”  - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

Henderson and her team look forward to seeing more delighted users and continued digital transformation from UConn’s partnership with Kuali.

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University of Connecticut Case Study

UConn transformed its administrative processes using Kuali Build, a no-code online forms and workflow automation tool. By empowering citizen developers, the university streamlined operations, reduced IT bottlenecks, and accelerated digital transformation, improving efficiency across campus.

University of Connecticut Case Study

UConn transformed its administrative processes using Kuali Build, a no-code online forms and workflow automation tool. By empowering citizen developers, the university streamlined operations, reduced IT bottlenecks, and accelerated digital transformation, improving efficiency across campus.
Kuali build is truly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

About The University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is among the top-ranked public universities in the nation. UConn supports more than 32,000 students and employs over 10,000 faculty and staff across six campus locations.

University of Connecticut

Problem: Paper Processes, IT Bottlenecks Hinder Students and Staff

UConn, like most other large universities, has thousands of critical, disparate processes that fall outside the scope of higher ed software solutions, such as the LMS, SIS, or ERP.

Before 2020, UConn’s staff typically processed these thousands of higher education forms and workflows in one of two ways: via paper-based methods or a low-code application development tool managed by central IT. 

However, neither method provided a perfect solution. Paper-based processing was ineffective due to manual entry, human error, lengthy approval timelines, and limited process transparency. The low-code application development tool was more functional but required significant IT resources, creating a bottleneck for new automated processes. 

These processing complications directly affected faculty, staff, and students. Central IT’s transformation team recognized an opportunity for improvement and set out to deliver a better student experience.

Solution: Forms and Workflow Automation Software

During the pandemic, UConn found Kuali Build, an automated forms and workflow platform. HR and IT witnessed firsthand how Build enabled the institution to return to operating capacity with its uniquely easy-to-use yet powerful functionality. 

Central IT adopted Build as its go-to forms and workflow solution, implemented a self-service training model for citizen developers, and never looked back.

Result: Citizen Development Drives Digital Transformation 

Kuali Build empowered UConn’s entire university community, through citizen development, to completely transform administrative processes and deliver an improved experience for students, faculty, and staff. By removing the IT bottleneck with a safe, secure, IT-approved solution, faculty and staff can build their own form and workflow applications, automate their business processes, and manage their work, all without leaning on Central IT. 

The numbers speak for themselves. UConn software developers built 204 applications in nine years using a low-code solution. Using Build, UConn citizen developers built a whopping 1,400 applications in three years. Staff have used these applications to process 124,000 documents, meaning UConn students, faculty, and staff have received a faster, smoother, better experience 124,000 times. 

UConn Software Developers

Reduced Costs and Infrastructure

With Kuali Build on board, UConn was able to reduce costs and the use of disparate systems across campus. UConn’s low-code application development solution required on-premise infrastructure, middleware support, and multiple developers versed in the solution to create applications. Kuali Build eliminated the need for this solution, and staff have rebuilt 58 low-code applications in Build. Kuali Build has also reduced the costs spent on disparate systems, like Quickbooks, in many departments across campus. 

Modern Higher Education Forms and Workflows

Kuali Build has the unique ability to automate processes across a broad spectrum of complexity. The platform’s form builder and workflow builder allow faculty and staff to create custom forms and workflows that perfectly fit the needs of their department. And, with the ability to integrate with other campus systems, like the financial system or student information system, staff can add steps within their workflows to automatically move and update information in real-time. 

For example, UConn has over 40 different departmental purchase request applications. Most of these applications integrate with the financial system, including student activities. Now, students can submit purchase and reimbursement requests easily, get quick approvals, and see the impact on their budget. 

Learn more about UConn’s Student Activities Transformation

Easy-to-Use Platform

Kuali Build is easy and delightful to use, crucial characteristics in Build becoming a reliable Central IT-approved solution. Kuali Build utilizes a drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to customize their forms and workflows clearly and easily. The platform allows users to preview their forms and workflows, and edit any time, making it easy to fine-tune processes and deliver a higher-quality experience for end users.

In the first six months of 2024, UConn saw a 25% increase in new Build applications, a 31% increase in submitted documents, and a 16% increase in application builders. Jessica Henderson, a team lead in UConn’s IT department, attributes Build's growth to its ease of use.

“Adoption continues to grow by word of mouth. We don't even need to promote it.”  - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

Henderson and her team look forward to seeing more delighted users and continued digital transformation from UConn’s partnership with Kuali.

true cost of paper and pdfs on campus infographic

University of Connecticut Case Study

UConn transformed its administrative processes using Kuali Build, a no-code online forms and workflow automation tool. By empowering citizen developers, the university streamlined operations, reduced IT bottlenecks, and accelerated digital transformation, improving efficiency across campus.
Kuali build is truly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

About The University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is among the top-ranked public universities in the nation. UConn supports more than 32,000 students and employs over 10,000 faculty and staff across six campus locations.

University of Connecticut

Problem: Paper Processes, IT Bottlenecks Hinder Students and Staff

UConn, like most other large universities, has thousands of critical, disparate processes that fall outside the scope of higher ed software solutions, such as the LMS, SIS, or ERP.

Before 2020, UConn’s staff typically processed these thousands of higher education forms and workflows in one of two ways: via paper-based methods or a low-code application development tool managed by central IT. 

However, neither method provided a perfect solution. Paper-based processing was ineffective due to manual entry, human error, lengthy approval timelines, and limited process transparency. The low-code application development tool was more functional but required significant IT resources, creating a bottleneck for new automated processes. 

These processing complications directly affected faculty, staff, and students. Central IT’s transformation team recognized an opportunity for improvement and set out to deliver a better student experience.

Solution: Forms and Workflow Automation Software

During the pandemic, UConn found Kuali Build, an automated forms and workflow platform. HR and IT witnessed firsthand how Build enabled the institution to return to operating capacity with its uniquely easy-to-use yet powerful functionality. 

Central IT adopted Build as its go-to forms and workflow solution, implemented a self-service training model for citizen developers, and never looked back.

Result: Citizen Development Drives Digital Transformation 

Kuali Build empowered UConn’s entire university community, through citizen development, to completely transform administrative processes and deliver an improved experience for students, faculty, and staff. By removing the IT bottleneck with a safe, secure, IT-approved solution, faculty and staff can build their own form and workflow applications, automate their business processes, and manage their work, all without leaning on Central IT. 

The numbers speak for themselves. UConn software developers built 204 applications in nine years using a low-code solution. Using Build, UConn citizen developers built a whopping 1,400 applications in three years. Staff have used these applications to process 124,000 documents, meaning UConn students, faculty, and staff have received a faster, smoother, better experience 124,000 times. 

UConn Software Developers

Reduced Costs and Infrastructure

With Kuali Build on board, UConn was able to reduce costs and the use of disparate systems across campus. UConn’s low-code application development solution required on-premise infrastructure, middleware support, and multiple developers versed in the solution to create applications. Kuali Build eliminated the need for this solution, and staff have rebuilt 58 low-code applications in Build. Kuali Build has also reduced the costs spent on disparate systems, like Quickbooks, in many departments across campus. 

Modern Higher Education Forms and Workflows

Kuali Build has the unique ability to automate processes across a broad spectrum of complexity. The platform’s form builder and workflow builder allow faculty and staff to create custom forms and workflows that perfectly fit the needs of their department. And, with the ability to integrate with other campus systems, like the financial system or student information system, staff can add steps within their workflows to automatically move and update information in real-time. 

For example, UConn has over 40 different departmental purchase request applications. Most of these applications integrate with the financial system, including student activities. Now, students can submit purchase and reimbursement requests easily, get quick approvals, and see the impact on their budget. 

Learn more about UConn’s Student Activities Transformation

Easy-to-Use Platform

Kuali Build is easy and delightful to use, crucial characteristics in Build becoming a reliable Central IT-approved solution. Kuali Build utilizes a drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to customize their forms and workflows clearly and easily. The platform allows users to preview their forms and workflows, and edit any time, making it easy to fine-tune processes and deliver a higher-quality experience for end users.

In the first six months of 2024, UConn saw a 25% increase in new Build applications, a 31% increase in submitted documents, and a 16% increase in application builders. Jessica Henderson, a team lead in UConn’s IT department, attributes Build's growth to its ease of use.

“Adoption continues to grow by word of mouth. We don't even need to promote it.”  - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

Henderson and her team look forward to seeing more delighted users and continued digital transformation from UConn’s partnership with Kuali.


University of Connecticut Case Study

UConn transformed its administrative processes using Kuali Build, a no-code online forms and workflow automation tool. By empowering citizen developers, the university streamlined operations, reduced IT bottlenecks, and accelerated digital transformation, improving efficiency across campus.
Kuali build is truly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

About The University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut (UConn) is among the top-ranked public universities in the nation. UConn supports more than 32,000 students and employs over 10,000 faculty and staff across six campus locations.

University of Connecticut

Problem: Paper Processes, IT Bottlenecks Hinder Students and Staff

UConn, like most other large universities, has thousands of critical, disparate processes that fall outside the scope of higher ed software solutions, such as the LMS, SIS, or ERP.

Before 2020, UConn’s staff typically processed these thousands of higher education forms and workflows in one of two ways: via paper-based methods or a low-code application development tool managed by central IT. 

However, neither method provided a perfect solution. Paper-based processing was ineffective due to manual entry, human error, lengthy approval timelines, and limited process transparency. The low-code application development tool was more functional but required significant IT resources, creating a bottleneck for new automated processes. 

These processing complications directly affected faculty, staff, and students. Central IT’s transformation team recognized an opportunity for improvement and set out to deliver a better student experience.

Solution: Forms and Workflow Automation Software

During the pandemic, UConn found Kuali Build, an automated forms and workflow platform. HR and IT witnessed firsthand how Build enabled the institution to return to operating capacity with its uniquely easy-to-use yet powerful functionality. 

Central IT adopted Build as its go-to forms and workflow solution, implemented a self-service training model for citizen developers, and never looked back.

Result: Citizen Development Drives Digital Transformation 

Kuali Build empowered UConn’s entire university community, through citizen development, to completely transform administrative processes and deliver an improved experience for students, faculty, and staff. By removing the IT bottleneck with a safe, secure, IT-approved solution, faculty and staff can build their own form and workflow applications, automate their business processes, and manage their work, all without leaning on Central IT. 

The numbers speak for themselves. UConn software developers built 204 applications in nine years using a low-code solution. Using Build, UConn citizen developers built a whopping 1,400 applications in three years. Staff have used these applications to process 124,000 documents, meaning UConn students, faculty, and staff have received a faster, smoother, better experience 124,000 times. 

UConn Software Developers

Reduced Costs and Infrastructure

With Kuali Build on board, UConn was able to reduce costs and the use of disparate systems across campus. UConn’s low-code application development solution required on-premise infrastructure, middleware support, and multiple developers versed in the solution to create applications. Kuali Build eliminated the need for this solution, and staff have rebuilt 58 low-code applications in Build. Kuali Build has also reduced the costs spent on disparate systems, like Quickbooks, in many departments across campus. 

Modern Higher Education Forms and Workflows

Kuali Build has the unique ability to automate processes across a broad spectrum of complexity. The platform’s form builder and workflow builder allow faculty and staff to create custom forms and workflows that perfectly fit the needs of their department. And, with the ability to integrate with other campus systems, like the financial system or student information system, staff can add steps within their workflows to automatically move and update information in real-time. 

For example, UConn has over 40 different departmental purchase request applications. Most of these applications integrate with the financial system, including student activities. Now, students can submit purchase and reimbursement requests easily, get quick approvals, and see the impact on their budget. 

Learn more about UConn’s Student Activities Transformation

Easy-to-Use Platform

Kuali Build is easy and delightful to use, crucial characteristics in Build becoming a reliable Central IT-approved solution. Kuali Build utilizes a drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to customize their forms and workflows clearly and easily. The platform allows users to preview their forms and workflows, and edit any time, making it easy to fine-tune processes and deliver a higher-quality experience for end users.

In the first six months of 2024, UConn saw a 25% increase in new Build applications, a 31% increase in submitted documents, and a 16% increase in application builders. Jessica Henderson, a team lead in UConn’s IT department, attributes Build's growth to its ease of use.

“Adoption continues to grow by word of mouth. We don't even need to promote it.”  - Jessica Henderson, Team Lead, Information Technology Services, University of Connecticut 

Henderson and her team look forward to seeing more delighted users and continued digital transformation from UConn’s partnership with Kuali.